
Transportation scenario seems to transcend beyond ones imagination with complete fantasy cars been designed keeping an eye on the future. If anyone feels otherwise, he/she must have a look at “Ecco”, a concept car designed by Nau for hardcore technology freaks. This wacky camper is not just about speed and comfort but freedom. An automobile that zooms away when it hits the road and becomes a home equipped with requisite luxuries on can think of. If offers it all, ensuing, you don’t have to worry about accommodation and even fuel when you start on your voyage to any place in the world.

Ecco closely resembles a sperm or a tadpole with its sleek pod design that cuts back the wind resistance effectively, thereby, allowing the car to hover close to the ground. It is installed with a PV cell-studded “membrane roof” that folds out to capture maximum energy from the Sun and can be utilized as a sleeping loft. Ecco has all the facilities for extended living including a small kitchen, a living area, a toilet and shower. In addition, it also accommodates an extra bed 8 feet wide and 15 feet long into the space.

The exterior is aerodynamically designed using finest quality aluminum and glass, thus, is light in weight. Such unique design enables maximum utilization of the available energy. Being completely electrically-powered, Ecco doesn’t have any emission of its own making it highly eco-friendly and pollution free. Surely, this vehicle will transmogrify what automobiles and transportation has been all about.